HPS Welcome Back 2024-2025

Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year with High Park School!
Good afternoon High Park families,
I hope you’ve had a wonderful and restful summer! As we gear up for the 2024-2025 school year, we are excited to welcome both our returning families and those joining us for the first time. I am thrilled to be joining the High Park School community as Principal and am looking forward to meeting many of you and your children over the coming weeks. If you are in or around the school, please drop by to say hello to help me put faces to names! If you would like to connect over a longer conversation, please send me an email or give the office a call to set up a time to meet.
New Teachers Joining Our Staff
We’re also excited to introduce a few teachers who will be joining our staff this year. On our Grade 6 team, we welcome Mr. Rhyason and a new staff member, who will be here for 2024-2025 school year while Mrs. Opryshko is on her maternity leave. Joining High Park as our music teacher and Grade 7 Homeroom and Language Arts is Ms. Schultz. We are confident they will bring fresh energy and ideas to our classrooms, and we’re delighted to have them on board.
Teacher Introduction Emails and Classroom Placements
To help our students feel prepared for the first day, each family will receive a Teacher Introduction Email on Tuesday morning, August 27th. Please keep an eye on your inbox for this important message. Additionally, classroom placements will be available on PowerSchool Tuesday morning, so please take a moment to check where your child will be starting their school year. Please phone the office if you have any concerns. Classroom changes will be considered at the end of September.
First Day Drop-Off Information
To ensure a smooth start, we have designated entrances for our students:
- Kindergarten: Please use the small entrance off the Parking lot by the pergola
- Grade 1-3 Students: Enter through the front door
- Grade 4-6 and Junior High Students: Use the North/West door off of the parking lot by the bus loop
Similar to last year, doors will be open and supervision will start at 8:15am. Students may enter and head directly to their classrooms at this time. Staff will be available to answer questions. After the first day, we remind parents to enter through the front doors and sign in at the office before heading into the school.
School Supplies, Parking, and Drop-Off/Pick-Up
School supply lists are available on our school website. When it comes to drop-off and pick-up, please use the designated parent drop-off lane and avoid using the school parking lot. If you’re waiting to enter the drop-off/pick-up lane, do not park along the curb adjacent to our playground, as this area is reserved for bus parking.
School Handbook and Updated Assessment Policy
Our School Handbook captures High Park’s learning and character expectations for our students. It also contains important information to help families navigate day to day school life. Classroom teachers will be reviewing the Code of Conduct and expectations with students during our first week back and we ask our families to also take some time to familiarize themselves with the handbook. In addition, Parkland School Division has made some significant revisions to Administrative Procedure 202 - Instruction, Assessment, and Reporting. The amendments will see percentages return to Junior High for marks and reporting but also see a firmer approach to incomplete work.
Forgotten Lunches and Breakfast Program
We understand that mornings can be hectic, so we offer both a forgotten lunch program and a school breakfast program for any student who may need it. Please note that we do not have school microwaves available, so students should bring lunches that don’t require heating.
There has been a significant increase in student lunches ordered through apps such as Skip the Dishes and DoorDash. The front office is unable to accept or distribute orders. If your child needs a lunch, we can provide one. We kindly ask for your support in helping our very busy secretaries.
Attendance and Punctuality
Regular attendance and punctuality are crucial for academic success. We expect students to arrive at school by 8:25 AM each day, allowing enough time to prepare for class. Students arriving after 8:30 AM will be marked late.
Meet the Staff Night
Mark your calendars for our annual Meet the Staff Night on Tuesday September 3rd, from 5:30-7:00 PM. This is a wonderful opportunity to see your child’s classroom, introduce yourself to their teacher, and enjoy an icy treat! We look forward to seeing you there.
Hurricane Athletics
Volleyball tryouts for Grade 7-9 girls will be on Thursday August 29th from 3:15pm-5:00pm and the boys will be on Friday August 30th from 3:15pm-5:00pm.
Bi-Weekly School Newsletter - High Park Herald
Starting on August 30th, every second Friday you can expect to receive the High Park’s Herald in your email inbox. This bi-weekly communication includes information about upcoming events and reminders as well as other important information. Please ensure that highpark@psd.ca is included as one of your safe sender email addresses to ensure that these and other communications do not get filtered to your junk mail.
Get Involved: School Council and Fundraising
We strongly encourage all parents to get involved in our school community by attending our monthly School Council and Fundraising meetings. Your participation is vital in shaping the educational experience at High Park and ensuring that our school continues to thrive. Our first meeting will be held in the library on September 17th at 7:00pm. A virtual link will be available as well.
We are excited to begin another successful year at High Park School and look forward to working together to support your child's learning. Thank you for your continued partnership and support.
Best regards,
Nicole Marcinkevics
Principal, High Park School