HPS May 13 Weekly Update

High Park School Memo
Week of May 13 - 17
Moosehide Day & RunWild at High Park
On May 16th, students from K-9 will participate in activities honouring Moosehide Day in our school. We will begin our day with an assembly which introduces the significance of this day. Throughout the day, students will participate in Indigenous Games and Storytelling activities that centre around respect and rejection of violence. The day will culminate in our planned school-based RunWild event which was kicked off with a pep rally in late April. This separate, but related event raises money and awareness for the Zebra Centre for Child and Youth Advocacy. If you would like to donate to support this cause, please direct cash or cheques towards our school office and we will make a donation on behalf of our school community.
Woodworking Orders
Our CTF Woodworking class is now taking orders for hanging planter stands and sensory tables for the spring! Please check out the form here if you would like to order one, and your item will be made to order by our capable woodworking class. Payment can be made by cash or cheque at the school office. Customizations are available. All proceeds from these sales will go back into supporting our CTF program at the school.
Freezie Sale in Support of Aquaponics CTF
On Wednesday, May 16, students from the CTF Aquatics option will be selling freezies over the lunch break to raise money for their fishing field trip. Freezies will at $1 each.
Nutrition Program
Throughout this year, we have been fortunate to be able to supply students with breakfast every morning and food for those who need it. However, we are noticing a significant increase in the amount of snacks that are being taken throughout the day, and we would like to ask parents to remind students to only take what they truly need, to take only one item at a time, and to eat all lunch items before asking for a snack, as we want to ensure we have enough to serve all students who need. We may reach out to you if we notice your child is accessing food frequently, to see if more support is needed. Thanks for your cooperation!
School Fees
Please check your Parent Portal to see if you have unpaid school fees. These fees are now past due. Students who have enrolled in CTF courses may be removed from their course this coming week if the attached fee is still unpaid. Having student fee accounts in good standing is a prerequisite for participation in many extracurricular trips and activities. Failure to pay school fees may result in non-participation in these activities.
PATs and Junior High Exams
On Monday, May 13th, Grade 9 students will write ELA Part A of the Provincial Achievement Test. Please ensure your child arrives on time to school that day so they are properly prepared for this exam.
PAL Presents… Little Caesar’s Pizza Kits!
Our Little Caesars fundraiser is back! We know a lot of people have been waiting for this one!
Go to PizzaKit.ca
Click on Products, then Shop
Select Ship My Order to the Group
Enter the Fundraiser ID#442689, set up your account, and place your order!
Ordering is online only.
Last day for orders will be May 22nd.
Pick up will be the afternoon of June 7th.
PSD’s Try-Me Try-Athlon
For more information please visit the PSD website.
Lost and Found
Are you missing anything? Please check out our lost and found. We have set items out on a table near the front office to help display, but we gather more items each day! Any items not claimed are donated at the end of each month.
Hot Lunch
Hot Lunch is offered to students by the Parent Advisory League from October to June. More information can be found on our High Park school website under the Lunch Program. You must register each school year in order to place an order. The code is always HPHL. The deadline to order hot lunches for June is May 25.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to give me a call at the school office at (780) 963-2222 or email me at adrienne.owen@psd.ca to connect.
Key Information:
Important Upcoming Dates:
- May 13 - Sun Run Hot Dog lunch
- May 13 - PAT gr 9 ELA Part A
- May 14 - Gr 2&3 TWOSE field trip
- May 15 - Volunteer Tea Open house
- May 15 - Hot Lunch - Quizno’s
- May 16 - Moosehide Day & RunWild @ High Park
- May 17 - PD Day - NO SCHOOL
- May 20 - Victoria Day - NO SCHOOL
- May 21 - Jr. High Zone 1 Track Meet
- May 22 - Hot Lunch - The Pretzel Shack
- May 22 - Elementary Track Meet
- May 23 - CTF Aquatics Field Trip to Cardiff Pond
- May 27 - Sun Run Concession
- May 28 - Fish in Schools Fish Release Event
- May 28 - PAL Meeting at 6:00pm - virtual and in-person
- May 28 - School Council Meeting at 7:00pm - virtual and in-person
- May 29 - Hot Lunch - Edo
- May 31 - PCAA County Track Meet
- June 3-7 - Northern Lights Basketball Residency in gym
- June 3 - Hot Dog Hot Lunch
- June 4 - Zone 5 Track Meet
- June 4 - Soccer Playoffs
- June 5 - Hot Lunch - Subway
- June 6 - Soccer Playoffs
- June 7 - PSD Try-Me Try-Athlon
- June 12 - Gr. 6&9 Part B ELA PAT
- June 12 - Hot Lunch - Boston Pizza
- June 13 - Gr. 6&9 Math Part A
- June 14 - Gr. 6 Part B Math
- June 17 - Gr. 7&8 Social Final
- June 18 - Gr. 9 Math Part A PAT
- June 19 - Gr. 6&9 Social PAT
- June 20 - Gr. 6&9 Science PAT
- June 20 - Gr. 7&8 Math Final
- June 21 - National Indigenous Peoples’ Day
- June 24 - Gr. 7&8 Science Final Exam
- June 24 - K-6 Field Trip to Outdoor Pool
- June 26 - Grade 7-9 Awards and Grade 9 Farewell Ceremony - 1:00pm
- June 27 - Last Day of School
- June 27 - Report Cards go Live on Powerschool at 4:00pm