HPS Mar 11 Weekly Update

High Park School Memo
Week of Mar. 11 - Mar. 15
Don’t Forget - Time Change This Weekend!
Scholastic Book Fair Invades High Park! Excitement Abounds!
Greetings from Mrs. Collett in the Library!
This week the Scholastic Book Fair makes its second appearance of this school year. It's an exciting time for reading with Spring Break right around the corner there is such joy in going on an adventure (with a book) and not having to leave home!! There are some wonderful new titles available for students of all ages and there is always the opportunity to try something new and interesting. Students will be able to shop at the book fair during their library block, or at morning recess or lunch recess. Extended hours are available on Wednesday, March 13th - the book fair is open until 5:00 pm! Cash, debit and credit card will all be available to complete purchases.
60% of all sales of this book fair are returned in Scholastic commission to our school - making books, teaching resources and other educational materials available and directly available to staff and students - what a fantastic benefit for our entire school community!! Thank you for supporting our school through the Book Fair. :))
The following are the hours for the week:
Monday, March 11 - 8:30am - 3:00 pm
Tuesday, March 12 - 8:30am - 3:00 pm
Wednesday, March 13 - 8:30am - 5:00 pm
Thursday, March 14 - 8:30am - 3:00 pm
Friday, March 15 - 8:30am - 1:00 pm (closing down immediately after lunch to wrap up) .
Social Media Safety Presentations
This upcoming week on Wednesday, Constable Gord Marshall, our division’s Resource Officer is joining our school to present a Social Media Safety Presentation. All students from grades 5-9 will spend time deepening their understanding of their own personal digital presences, their obligation as an online global citizen and how to be safe while exploring online. Letters with more information will be coming home soon.
Parent - Teacher Interview Booking Is Now Open
The bookings for interviews March 20th and March 21st are open. Please note all schedules have been set to start at 4:00 and end at 7:00.
Here is the link to Book an Interview
It can also found on the High Park Website High Park
See you there!
PAL Creekside Nursery Fundraiser
PAL will be trying out a new fundraising initiative this spring! In partnership with Creekside Home and Garden Centre, we will be offering vouchers for 12 inch hanging baskets at a discounted rate! Watch for details and order forms coming home in your child’s backpack in the coming days! 
PAL PRESENTS…Spring Fling - Get Your Dancing Shoes On!
Spring Fling is on March 15, 2024 from 6:00pm - 9:00pm in the High Park School gym.
Admission is $5.00/person or $20.00/family
There will be a concession with pizza, snack and drinks available for purchase (debit and credit available), and door prizes to be handed out.
All kids must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
Field Trip Forms
At High Park, we love giving our students the opportunity to learn outside of the classroom by going on field trips. It is very important that all field trip forms are reviewed, signed, and returned as soon as possible and by the date indicated on the form, to ensure busses are able to leave on time.
2023-24 School Year Registration
If you haven’t already done so, it’s time to register for the next school year! That includes busing if you need it. Registering before the Friday March 22nd deadline will help us immensely in planning for next year both at our school and at the PSD Transportation department. Work is currently underway building bus routes for next year already.
Any applications received after the application deadline may not be processed in time for the first day of school. If your child does not have a valid bus pass for the 2024-2025 school year, they will not be able to ride the bus.
Visit https://powerschool.psd.ca/public/ and log into your parent account. Once inside the Parent Portal:
- Select your child’s name in the blue bar at the top of the screen.
- Select the RSVP icon on the left side of the screen.
- Begin reviewing all of your current Student Information we have on file, and follow the instructions on the screen to navigate through the various tabs in the form (Student Info, Address, Contacts, Medical, etc.).
If you aren’t able to retrieve your login credentials using the “Forgot Username or Password?” link on the sign-in page, please contact the school directly for assistance logging in to the Parent Portal.
School Fee Statements
School fee statements have been sent out for any outstanding accounts. Please make arrangements to pay these either through the Parent Portal or our office as soon as possible. Please note that an expectation for participation in many extracurricular activities is that school fee accounts are up-to-date.
Hot Lunch
Hot Lunch is offered to students by the Parent Advisory League from October to May. More information can be found on our High Park school website under the Lunch Program. You must register each school year in order to place an order. The code is always HPHL. The deadline to order hot lunches for April is March 25.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to give me a call at the school office at (780) 963-2222 or email me at adrienne.owen@psd.ca to connect.
Key Information:
Important Upcoming Dates:
- Mar 10 - Spring Forward - Don’t forget to change your clocks!
- Mar 11-15 - Scholastic Spring Book Fair
- Mar 14 - High Park School Spirit Wear Day
- Mar 15 - Spring Fling Family Dance
- Mar 18-21 - Grade 2 Swimming Lessons at TLC
- Mar 18 - Sun Run Hot Dog Hot Lunch Fundraiser - Order via PAL Hot Lunch Website
- Mar 18 - Choral Celebration
- Mar 19 - PAL & School Council Meetings
- Mar 20&21 - K-8 Parent-Teacher Interviews (watch for booking information)
- Mar 21 - Rock Your Socks for Down Syndrome Day
- Mar 22 - PD Day - No School
- Mar 25-28 - Spring Break - No School
- Mar 29 - Good Friday - No School
- Apr 1 - Easter Monday - No School
- April 2 - Neon Day for Autism Awareness
- April 3 - Hot Lunch - Dairy Queen
- April 5 - Sun Run concession
- April 5 - Grade 5 in-school field trip
Substitute Teachers and Casual Support Staff Appreciation Week
We would like to take this opportunity to thank our Substitute Teachers and Casual Support Staff who work so very hard to support us in the important work of educating our students. We couldn’t do it without you!
Your Friends at High Park