Get a Head Start on the New School Year!

We’ve posted important information about the supplies your child will need for the coming school year. You can get a head start on purchasing supplies for fall by visiting our Supply Lists & BYOD page, and then enjoy your summer with the knowledge that you have everything you need.
Optional Pre-Purchase Package
An optional purchasing plan is offered each year by Write-On Stationery. This voluntary program allows parents to pre-purchase a package of all requested supplies that will be delivered to the student at the school.
To Order Online:
- Go to
- Click on PARENTS – Order Here.
- Type in and select High Park School.
- Choose your grade(s) and select package and/or items.
- Complete your order by clicking PLACE ORDER.
You will receive an automatic email confirmation to confirm your order has been received. Write-On accepts payments made with Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Visa Debit and INTERAC® Online.
The deadline for 2021-2022 orders is Sunday, August 1. Please submit any orders with payment by this time to ensure delivery to the school in August. Orders can also be delivered to the student's home if this option is chosen at checkout.
Happy shopping!
For more information contact:
High Park School
Phone: 780-963-2222